Saturday, August 11, 2012

Can all weeks be THIS fun?

It's been a great first week of retired life!  Besides enjoying the exciting Summer Olympics, we treated ourselves to our first iPad thanks to generous gifts from wonderful friends and colleagues, a new smartphone after stumbling upon a great deal, a juicer after being inspired by a thought provoking documentary and a balance beam to feed my daughter's love of gymnastics.  It's been a lot of fun waiting on a daily delivery from UPS or Fed Ex!

Our kids have known that we've been planning our family's first iPad purchase for months.  They understand the thought and patience we take in buying such a pricey item.  It's rewarding to see that our kids really don't ask for much no matter which classmate has what.  Our fingers are crossed that the foundation we have set will continue to shape them into responsible consumers as they get older.

Just hours before buying a basic phone, I reviewed a daily Screaming Penny email of online deals.  Coincidentally, Amazon had a great deal that day for a nice smartphone.  I purchased a much better device (giving the kids another platform to play online games) at a lower net price than what I was going to buy.  Unfortunately, I can't transfer my number because of my former employer's billing privacy issues.

Utilizing a free trial to Amazon Prime, I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", a film about the health benefits of a diet of fruit and vegetable juice.  I was inspired to give it a try.  Two days later, we made tasty concoctions with our new Hamilton Beach juicer.  I hope to supplement our diets with healthy juices particularly when I want a snack while doing my online studies.  Have you seen this documentary?  Do you juice?

After months of consideration, I ordered a balance beam for our daughter.  It was to our surprise and delight that it arrived less than 24 hours after placing the order.  We all love it!  Oh, and I also ordered a little laser light thing so we can dance to cool effects.  I hosted a playdate/dance party with neighbor friends while the moms went to dinner and the six kids had a blast.  Besides dancing, my kids and I swam and played ping pong as they continued to enjoy their summer.

Besides all the fun and games this week. I reorganized a closet, paid tuition for my upcoming graduate classes, applied to a local community college to complete required undergrad credits, serviced both cars, and laundered all my dress shirts to store for a few years.

This week will end with a baseball game at CitiField thanks to a thoughtful friend and a party with 18 kids celebrating our son's 8th birthday.  I know not all weeks will be this fun but I'm certainly glad my retired life is off to a great start.  I hope you're enjoying your summer!

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