Besides fulfilling a passion to be a stay at home dad, I am looking forward to pursuing another passion of being an elementary school teacher. In the next month or two, I will narrow my choices of graduate programs and begin the application process. In the meantime, I get some time in front of students by leading Junior Achievement programs in my children's second and fifth grade classes. I get so energized by teaching and inspiring the students. I prepare for the sessions diligently and return from those lessons so jazzed. And, getting positive feedback from teachers, student teachers and parents really ices the cake!
Last week, I presented lessons on Chinese New Year to the two classes. The following day, the mother of one of the students shared how her daughter really enjoyed the lesson, understood the concepts and recalled some of the information. (The little Irish girl wants to be Chinese now to take part in the holiday's celebrations!) And, just last night, I met the mother of one of the fifth grade students who told me how much her son has really enjoyed the lessons I've led and that I've made a highly positive impression on him. I know being a teacher entails quite a lot more responsibility than I've experienced, but such feedback really reinforces my desire to pursue my passions.
And, pursuing passions is what this whole career switch is all about. And, my wife knows that if she had passions of her own, I would support her pursuit of those. I am thankful to have a wonderful life partner who understands that life is short and we only get to live it once.
Sounds great buddy! Glad to hear from you again!