Friday, October 30, 2015

Curveball, Fastball, HIt!

There are times in one's life when things just work out well.  In such occasions, reflection can provide a fulfilling perspective.  For me, missing on an unexpected curveball thrown my way gave me the chance to hit an ensuing fastball out of the park. (Yes, a baseball reference is apropros considering I am writing this during a World Series game).  For the past nine weeks, I enjoyed being a student teacher working with a wonderful, experienced teacher who served as a terrific mentor.  We developed an outstanding working relationship complete with mutual respect from day one.  As I gained valuable practical experience, I learned, contributed and deepened my desire to be an educator

During this placement, the class went from a challenging number of students (27) to a more manageable one (19) when a new teacher was hired six weeks into the school year.  A number of school holidays, half days, and even fire drills made efficient planning necessary to accomplish our teaching goals.  It was a rich learning experience in a short time indeed.

During this last week, the teacher, students and I counted down the days to my final one with sadness.  None of us wanted to part company.  Today, while holding back tears, I bid farewell to students who then overwhelmed me with a minute long group hug, lots of individual hugs, and a book of heartfelt letters that conveyed how I helped them learn.  

I'm still so moved as I read these letters for a third time.  "You make me more confident", "I would not have figured out math without you", "you are a funny teacher and a fun one", "you made learning fun", and "you will find a new set of cool students like us but we will never find another awesome teacher like you."   Comments like these inspire me tremendously as I complete my journey to be a certified teacher.  Making positive impacts on young minds.  That's why I want to be an educator.   

If it weren't for that curveball, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet really great kids and their amazing teacher.  Don't despair over the curveballs that come your way.  Something better to hit may follow.